It is all about people

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Location: Hatboro, Pennsylvania, United States

Monday, September 11, 2006

Currently the IAB (International Association of the Bug) is working on identifying a creature that seems to have invaded Berrien Springs and possibly beyond.
It once was thought to be confined to Mechanic St. but sitings have now been reported at numerous other locations.

Heather here has just sited one of these creatures - her fiance Walter had already fled. The IAB warns not to approach these many-legged bugs and they have been reported to "chase" people. The symptoms for a siting of one are sporadic dancing and increased heart activity. So folks... CAUTION.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's not completely true.
To set the record straight, I Walter,
took the picture of the bug...
Then I ran away.
Thank you.

7:53 AM, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehe! I hope this picture never goes beyond this page. Those bugs are, however, one of the scariest things I have ever seen in my entire life. No joke & I am not laughing. Gross, gross and yuk!

12:22 PM, September 11, 2006  
Blogger holamickey said...

Right you two - Heather your picture is safe with me! Walter you are a brave man for getting that picture.

4:07 PM, September 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This past weekend my sister spotted this bug in my apartment, needless to say, she had the same expression I believe Heather is exhibiting. :D

So I have finally checked out the blog. Interesting!!!! I have access to the goings on in Michael's world! How cool is that?!

Happy Blogging!


2:38 PM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger holamickey said...

Chongo -

It was so cool of you to check out the blog - if you have a blog pass it on... I would love to check it out.
And watch for those bugs!!


4:02 PM, October 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Michael, we have those bugs in Ensenada too. (Along with scorpions, tarantulas, and rattle snakes. Want to visit? :0) I still get the eebie jeebies every time I see one in the house. Usually in the middle of the night when I am half out of it walking like a zombie to the bathroom! Of course, after the "encounter", for some strange reason, I am wide awake! :0)

12:19 PM, November 15, 2006  

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