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Location: Hatboro, Pennsylvania, United States

Thursday, April 01, 2010

The books are collecting around my bed and I love it. Bill Hybel's "Just Walk Across the Room" that I am not currently reading is on my night stand along with "The Great Controversy" that I am currently reading. Those two books are on top of Sanctified Life that is just a great book to have handy. Then leaning up against my night stand is the volume "History of the Reformation" by J.H. D'Aubigne, who E.G. White quoted extensively in "The Great Controversy." Then in front of the night stand on the floor is a small miscellaneous selection with a collection of Robert Frost's works, one of C.S. Lewis titles, the testimony of Sandi Patty, and then one of my favorite collection of essays form Robert Fulghum. It is from this final book I got my idea of eating a chair.
Fulghum tells of giving a ride to two college students headed to their summer job. Their philosophy teacher had given them an extra-credit assignment: Do something unique and memorable-not dangerous or foolish, but something creative, inventive, and instructive. They were to write up what they learned and how to apply it to their philosophy of life.
So. They are eating a chair.
They bought a plain wooden kitchen chair and using a rasp have been turning it into sawdust. Then at every opportunity, granola in the morning or salad in the afternoon, they would sprinkle it on their food. When Fulghum met them they had eaten a leg, two rungs, and a back piece.
Had they learned anything. They said so. They learned how "amazing long-term goals can be achieved in incremental stages. Like how something seemingly idiotic affects your thinking about other things you do... Some things cannot be had except on a little-at-a-time, keep-the-long-goal-in-mind, stay-focused basis."
I think I am going to eat a chair.


Blogger Jessica said...

I'm a big fan- Nice thoughts. We should all be more open to the idea of "Eating a chair."

10:01 PM, April 01, 2010  
Blogger Shawn Brace said...

Reminds me of my brother-in-law who made a bet in High School that if the 49ers lost a playoff game to the Cowboys (I think), he would eat his shorts. They lost and his buddy kept him to it. So, little by little, he literally would it bits and pieces of his shorts. I don't think he ever finished it but he at least took a fair chunk out!

10:02 PM, April 01, 2010  
Blogger Unknown said...

Would eating a chair be like eating a Snickers Candy Bar? Eating one itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny, micro-chip at a time so as to lose weight or not to gain weight? Making the Snickers Candy Bar last a very looooong time? I've done that before at least hundred times.

6:47 AM, April 16, 2010  

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