It is all about people

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Location: Hatboro, Pennsylvania, United States

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

...told (to me by my church members) of a man who visited Texas and found a phone with a sign that read, "Phone call to God $10."  From there the man traveled to Colorado and found the same phone with the same sign. State after state he traveled through, always finding the same phone with the same sign... until he passed through Pennsylvania where he found a phone but the sign above read, "Phone call to God - FREE."  Turning to the man behind the counter he asked why the difference from all the other states.  "This", the man replied, "is God's country and that makes it a local call."
Before you post your comment about Maine or Tennessee, I agree - the story is wrong... Pennsylvania may not be God's country but the Northwest certainly is. 
I just got back from a trip:
I met up in Seattle with some good friends Marius and Sarah  who serve in pastoral ministry in Atlanta. 
And a stunt!
Another stunt!
Just fantastic
A quick trip home and I met my niece for the first time...and her little watch dog (under my knees)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks as though you had a good time in the Northwest. The Northwest that I've seen is absolutely beautiful! All the best in your frequent excursions!

9:04 AM, September 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, jealous! I love the west!! You are right!! It is God's country, but don't tell Chuck Holtry. He wouldn't agree.
What a precious baby! It makes me miss my great niece. I had her all summer. Cinda

7:34 PM, September 24, 2008  
Blogger Karlee said...

I think its a great story, and accurate too. But I must adnit that the northwest is beautiful!

Great picture of you with your niece :-)

5:02 PM, September 25, 2008  
Blogger Shawn Brace said...


You preempted my Myspace response to you. When you said that you need to come visit New England because of my pictures, I was going to write back and tell you that after New England, there's only heaven. I stand by that statement! New England is God's country. And I can look into getting you a call to pastor here if you'd like. ;-)

2:35 PM, September 26, 2008  
Blogger Paeter said...

Hmm...well, someone has to say it. God obviously liked Michigan enough to move the work from New England to Battle Creek! :)

2:08 PM, September 27, 2008  
Blogger Staci said...

I am glad you had a wonderful trip to the Northwest and got to see family too! I am planning on taking a trip up there next spring to see Autumn in B.C. It is time to see some real mountains and pines!

10:06 AM, September 28, 2008  
Blogger holamickey said...

Paeter... be easy not to stir the wrath of Brace.

Staci - Don't go... you will never come back...and Michigan conf. still needs you. :)

Shawn... that is why I read N.E. Pastor magazine.

10:15 PM, September 28, 2008  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Nice stunts!! :D BRAVO!! God created the world & all that surrounds us ya'll...don't be playing favorites! :) I'm not much of a Michigan fan however (except in the summer & fall). Thanks for sharing Micheal.

9:30 AM, September 29, 2008  
Blogger Autumn said...

what do you mean my sister won't go back? are you thinking i will kidnap her? (actually, i quite like the idea!). but hey, you seem to have no trouble heading back to Pennsylvania after you come for a visit! is that because maybe you are starting to believe that PA instead of the northwest is becoming God's country? hmmmm.....

7:09 PM, October 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I am from MI and do like it but the NW and W Canada still beat them all! I'll have to agree that out west is God's country especially BC (can I hear an amen from Autumn). New England is pretty in the fall, but it's beauty doesn't compare with Banff or the Cascades. LOL Staci would be lucky if she got stuck in BC. Unfortunately MI needs her too much so I think God has other plans!

8:14 PM, January 03, 2009  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey now, I am in your congregation and that call is FREE from here in Pennsylvania (heheh).

Anyway, I tell my two girls the call is always free and you can call collect God answers and he answers any time of the day or night!

At night we do our normal prayers, then we choose to separate asking God for specific things in our life and also thanking him for whatever he has done for us that day. Amazing how many of those little things add up to be BIG THINGS dont'cha think? ;)

7:27 PM, March 13, 2009  

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