It is all about people

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Location: Hatboro, Pennsylvania, United States

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The night was very foggy, but the message was very clear-CAUTION.  
Caution is what you should have when you are an ex-housemate of mine and I had to experience torture of your doing.  Now before anybody go feeling sorry for Mr. Kyle let me tell you:  besides the normal ice in the shower trick, this fly young man filled my water bottle with warm salty water on finals day.  I am in the middle of a 2 hour final exam and a need a drink of water... it was worse then Mexico sea water.
  I will still march in May but the official document was presented in a private ceremony last night after the U.S. Postal service delivered it to the Maple Ave. mansion.  The world only gets to see this cheesy picture.

I boarded a plane this past week along with 30 or 40 Jewish teens.  Their destination was an international conference just for Jewish young people in Chicago.  They explained the goals and programming of the conference including the agenda for Shabbat.  My two row-mates and I shared freely during the flight so in our approach I had to ask; “what does Shabbat mean to you as an individual?”  The young man was candid in his reply that it really meant nothing and he viewed it as mostly a tradition. But then he added that it remains a highlight of the week because on Friday evening his family will come together and connect before dispersing for the weekend activities.

This is the same practice seen in many homes in Jerusalem at the beginning of each Sabbath.  Families come together and fathers bless mothers and mothers bless fathers, parents bless children and children bless parents.  “Blessing” is a tradition not like the Christian tradition of praying for each other but rather applying Biblical passages of blessing to the individual. For example the father would bless the mother speaking or singing verses from Proverbs 30 exalting her virtues and expressing his appreciation of her.

I don’t know how far back this tradition goes, but it has the taste of creation.  It fits within the picture of God to envision Him doing just that every Sabbath for us – extolling our virtues and expressing His appreciation for us.  Go ahead, reflect the image of God by blessing your child, your parent, and your spouse.


Blogger kimberella said...

Hey Micheal, from the looks of your last posting you have a fantastic place to live. Congratulations again on making it through.
Love the caution tape! That was very mean of Kyle to place salt in your water on final's day!!! I mean, if it been a different day then maybe ;)

8:25 AM, February 22, 2008  
Blogger Shawn Brace said...

Hey! I haven't received my diploma yet! What's up with that?

8:48 AM, February 22, 2008  
Blogger holamickey said...

Kim-thank you for your support. You too have received "torture" at the hand of this sly boy. Don't forget your car....

Shawn... oh ya... they told me that you'll need to come back and take Hebrew II, Small Groups and one elective. I would suggest Sledding 501 for your elective. :)

10:40 AM, February 22, 2008  
Blogger Shawn Brace said...

Can I take that Sledding 501 class as an Independent Study here at home? We have some pretty good hills here in New Hampshire. Far better than Michigan, that's for sure!

11:13 AM, February 22, 2008  
Blogger Joelle said...

Congratulations on getting your diploma. Now all you have to look forward to in May is a blank in your diploma. How... exciting. Mmm hmmm.
Kyle deserved every square inch of that caution tape.
BTW, for my department's honors awards dinner my senior year at AU, we decorated the room with caution tape and daffodils. The theme for the dinner was "Disaster" because everything had gone wrong since our class had been at AU. (Hurricane Katrina, Andreason's resignation from AU, etc... there was a long list of crises.)

5:57 PM, February 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! That was crazy walking out and seeing caution tape. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, though due to the events the night of February 9. It'll be funny to see if maybe someone else has that happen to them. As Kyle put it "just retribution".

5:56 PM, February 26, 2008  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Ha ha...the caution tape action is being carried as far as it will go these days!! I bet no one ever thought it would be put to such great use. :) The salt in the water thing was too far but that's ok...Kyle got his recently. Retribution man! CONGRATS on the very expensive piece of paper...I know a lot of hours & hard work went into it. Hope to see you back in Michigan soon. I don't think I'll be coming to PA anytime in the near future.

3:15 PM, March 11, 2008  

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