It is all about people

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Location: Hatboro, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Last week I had 2 days with no obligations, so on the suggestion of a friend I packed a tent, food, water, the Bible and the book Desire of Ages. Here are a few entries from my experience. I took several long walks in the late afternoon. Wednesday evening I was walking down this country lane with the phrase "road of faith" running through my mind. I wanted to walk to the end but I didn't know how far it was. After I had been walking for well over an hour I debated turning back. Deciding to press on I crested a small hill, and there it was - a lone stop sign. Immediately the thought raced through my mind, while I walk this road called faith (the present situation) and can't see very far, God sees the end and it may be much closer than you or I think... so walk on!
Although I stayed in a tent the owners of the property opened a nearby cabin for me in the event that I was rained out. Inside the cabin was this picture with the title: "Will you trust me?" The look on the womans face is a free smile, and you know she is enjoying the ride.
Psalms 19 states that the day along with the night speak of God. So while "alone" in the woods I listened for their speech. Over and over I heard them declare Gods love for me, just as if He had scratched it in the back of a bench for all to know- God loves Micheal... and....and....

One evening I took my chair to a hill where these 3 crosses stood. And from the foot of that center cross I read the story of Jesus' crucifixion in the Desire of Ages. It culminates with the declaration that because of the victory over death and sin that Jesus won on the cross it is "His royal right to save unto the uttermost all who come unto God by Him." After I finished I bowed on the earth in front of the cross, feeling very small and very big at the same time. I stayed right there at the base of that cross giving to Jesus all of my family and many of my friends.

I must not be old enough to remember, but this was in the outhouse there in the woods. I had no emergencies but I was reminded to be thankful for the little things, including 2-ply.


Blogger Staci said...

Reading your post, reminded me of all the quiet “get away” moments I’ve spent with God in nature. I had one of those times last week though it was only for a few hours. I believe it is Jesus who invites us to “come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile” so we can “be still and know that I am God.” Those moments alone with God are life changing! I was especially encouraged by your “road of life” object lesson. I’m waiting for God to show me the end of a certain road in my life right now … and by faith I am going to believe it is near!

11:00 AM, July 02, 2007  
Blogger Paeter said...

TP certainly is a wonderful invention. Sure outdoes the emergency solutions.

8:15 AM, July 05, 2007  

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