What else:
Here’s the list: The Shqiptaret people of Albania, the Himba people of Namibia, the Malinke people of Mali, Palawano people of the Philippines, the Gogodala people of Papua New Guinea, the Great River people of Southwest Asia, the Dendi people of Benin, the Ghorka people of Darjeeling in India, and finally the Irish people of Ireland. Quite a mouthful (I admit – while typing I tried pronouncing them).
You should have noted that none of these come up on the “top 10 destinations” list given in the Travel + Leisure magazine. Where did I find them? This week reading through my March edition of Adventist Frontiers magazine, I made a list of the locations of the featured missionaries. The line that has been running through my head all day has been from a children’s song – “red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”
These missionaries are out there, way out there. And their 3-word mission statement is clear: “reaching the unreached.” These men, women, and even children are the “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8) arm of the gospel movement. I read their jaw-dropping, angel action stories and am convinced that when it comes to “reaching the unreached,” God spares no help.
Here’s the catch, while the gospel movement has an arm that reaches “to the end of the earth,” it also has an arm reaching your community (guess who).
Be a missionary – God will not leave you short handed.