...told (to me by my church members) of a man who visited Texas and found a phone with a sign that read, "Phone call to God $10." From there the man traveled to Colorado and found the same phone with the same sign. State after state he traveled through, always finding the same phone with the same sign... until he passed through Pennsylvania where he found a phone but the sign above read, "Phone call to God - FREE." Turning to the man behind the counter he asked why the difference from all the other states. "This", the man replied, "is God's country and that makes it a local call."
Before you post your comment about Maine or Tennessee, I agree - the story is wrong... Pennsylvania may not be God's country but the Northwest certainly is.
I just got back from a trip:
I met up in Seattle with some good friends Marius and Sarah who serve in pastoral ministry in Atlanta.
And a stunt!
Another stunt!
Just fantastic
A quick trip home and I met my niece for the first time...and her little watch dog (under my knees)