Last night I slept while jetting across the country, and true to its name I have red eyes today. I spent a little over a week in the Northwest with my family - alot of fun to be there with my family and friends. I had to climb while I was out there. So I took on Mt. Theilson, which punches the blue ski at 9,182 feet above sea level (it still had snow on the north side). The last 15 minutes of the climb (the very top) is actually a rock face. And the top is really no bigger than a "normal size" bathroom. There is a steel can in the rocks where people leave notes for fellow climbers - Here is what I wrote: "Lord, by Your favor You have made my mountain stand strong; You hid Your face, and I was troubled... You have turned my mourning into dancing... for the purpose that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent." (Ps. 30:7,11,12) I had read this verse for my devotions the week before - God challenges us to take on our "mountains," to move them by faith, but sometimes He stands on the other side holding the mountain in place in order that we will have to persist. But in the end, He will turn our mourning into dancing and the ultimate purpose will be songs of praise to Him. Don't be discouraged if God doesn't allow your mountain to move right away, persist... and prepare to dance.
This was Sabbath morning at a church campout - this guy reminded me that there are times to just dig in and enjoy... don't worry about the jelly on your face.
From behind the falls - some serious shower pressure.
I spent a day with my family white-water rafting down the Rogue River.
The trip was a blast and I had the best "mates" but I also was reminded of life: There are rapids when everything is going without effort but most of the time is spent just putting one paddle in front of the other. But the mundane is exactly where God shows up - "mercies are new every morning."