It is all about people

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Location: Hatboro, Pennsylvania, United States

Monday, June 25, 2007

I was at campmeeting this weekend to visit and be spiritually challenged.There was many beautiful aspects: The most beautiful was the theme that God's promises (His Word) endures forever. My spirit was charged by the messages.

Sleeping in tents with friends. And the stars at night that shouted the "Word" of God that He is big, real big.

Beautiful also was heart to heart conversation between friends.Then good food, hospitality, and spiritual encouragement. Off camera I captured mental images of other beautiful things, let me share:
  • A young boy coming out of the bathroom who I didn't know wished me a "good night" and told about his camping experience. Good things must be shared.
  • An elderly(around their 90's) couple came into the meeting and sat in front of me. She had pulled her silver hair up and he wore a shirt and tie with suspenders. He carried homemade looking seat cushions for the both of them. Before she sat down he gently placed hers on the seat. Even in the mundane he included a touch of love.
  • During the closing song of the evening meeting a young boy (maybe 5 or 6) stood beside his mother, his arm extended as high as it could go rubbing her back as she rubbed his.
  • Sunday morning outside of my tent, a father was racing his young son... both laughing as they ran.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


10 years ago I was in an accident that killed a very good friend and my high school principal Ray Cornforth. Through a mutual friend last week I met his sister. Her life story changed when her brother died. She is a trauma nurse, but outside of that had spent her life going from man to man and bar to bar (her words). When her brother died, and she heard the story of him singing the hymn "It is Well with My Soul" while trapped in the wreckage, God changed her heart. But since then she has felt a sense of responsibility for those of us that were affected by the accident. She felt that God had to use something like that to reach her, and because others were hurt she took on some guilt. I was blessed by hearing her story and our faithful God delivered a freedom.
Last week I was at the Indiana Conference Campmeeting speaking to the youth. And I got to enjoy several activities such as indoor rock climbing for the first time. It was an incredible experience and my heart was touched by God and melted hearing the testimonies of the young people that fell in love with Jesus during the week.

The pastors I worked with were a blessing and the worship/music team was the best.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


This morning was laundry day, my basket was full with two loads. Doing laundry is so rewarding, it's like everything gets a new start. In preparation to leave to go down to the laundromat I discovered I only had 3 quarters and a $20 bill. I didn't want $20 worth of quarters from the machine... my solution: go the the grocery store a little further down the street and buy something. But what? Last week I needed change and I bought the always handy pack of gum, but today... a single tomato.

Last evening after vespers and supper I watched a video with some friends presented by Ken Davis ( A Christian Comedian) on the reasons for joy. His conclusion: Each of us were made unique and hand-designed by God. He loves how we each turned out. Don't, he said, be so hard on yourself or others in their "uniqueness."

Afterwards I took the opportunity to go walking, really to pray and spend some time with Jesus. It was not hard to feel close to him with an incredibly clear sky full of celestrial lights. I read yesterday to pray for others and let them know you are doing so. So really, if you are reading this blog you are most likely someone I prayed for - courage friends.

It was rather late when I was walking home and when I passed 2 police cars parked they turned their spotlights on me... okay I thought, just a normal late night "who's walking around at this hour" check. Well as quick as that thought was out both cars pulled out and cornered me in. I was told - minutes before I walked by two males had been spotted breaking into a car and had both managed to elude the officers. So now I am trying to explain to them how it isn't normal to be walking at that time of "morning" and how I didn't really go anywhere and I was just walking... I don't think my alibi was convincing, but they let me go... for another block. Then both of them were back and this time the 2nd officer had questions for me. In case anyone is concerned about the conclusion... I made it home.

About a week ago in the class I was taking came up the discussion of relationships - probably the romantic was a bit highlighted, but it included all relationships. A visiting author pointed out how a healthy relationship requires 3 elements (these are person to person and do not exclude the need of God). (1) Acceptance - each in the relationship should be working to let the other know they are accepted, just as they are. (2) Approval - Everyone grows on knowing they are thought of as very good in what they do or who they are. (3) Confrontation - a lasting relationship needs time for one person to say -"this 'point' is not so good in you or us" and the other to embrace that, knowing they are still accepted and approved.

Today I am suppose to meet someone who's life story crossed mine about 10 years ago and we didn't know it.... I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


This weekend was my opening weekend for spending time at the beach.
So if you take that water and mix it with clay... you get something like this. In the "growing up" era of your life did you ever find yourself in the back seat with your sibling having their hand centimeters from your body all the while they announce "I'm not touching you." I don't remember that too often - but I do remember racing my beautiful sisters to the car so I could get a window seat. Well the above is a case of "I'm not touching you."
This clay is actually suppose to do nice things to your skin- I'm not sure how... but it gave some a "reason" to put it on.
Here's what I was thinking... God formed Adam out of the dirt of the ground. I suppose after he was done, he still had the appearance like dirt - kinda like Kyle in the picture. But then God breathed into him the breath of life and blood began to flow and his skin turned into tissue. That's a powerful God.

Monday, June 04, 2007

I read this weekend the story of David Livingston sacrificing his life to tell the people of Africa the story of Jesus. He buried his wife there and it is said that after lowering her into the earth he knelt beside the grave, weeping and he is heard to have prayed: "My Jesus, my king, my life, my all, I again consecrate my life to thee."
We are all very aware that none are exempt from emotional and spiritual pain. Several years ago during a difficult period I heard a song on the radio that made me cry. It came to my mind today and I looked it up - here is the chorus:
Pray on, for you are who the Lord is looking for
Pray on, for this will tear those mighty strongholds down
Stay on your knees, for this is where the battles are won
There's no better place that you could be than seeking God prayerfully
Very soon you'll win the victory, pray on
Pray on
(I will post the rest of the song as a comment)
Here is a life altering quote from the book Patriarchs and Prophets:
The greatest victories to the church of Christ or to the indiviual Christian are not those that are gained by talent or education, by wealth or the favor of men. They are those victories that are gained in the audience chamber with God, when earnest agonizing faith lays hold upon the mighty arm of power.